The International Research Centre CARDET, and the SME INNOVADE, coordinators of the Mediterranean Migration Network (MMN)..
The project in action.. (VIDEO)
Migration is a global phenomenon affecting all times and communities in terms of social, economic and political context
The social acceptance of immigrants by the host societies has always been a key challenge for the EU.
MMN International Conference: Organization, coordination and support of migratory flows and integration in the EU. The Mediterranean Migration Network (MMN), with the coordination of the International Research Centre CARDET and the consulting firm Innovade LI ltd..
Το διεθνές ερευνητικό κέντρο CARDET, σε συνεργασία με την εταιρεία συμβούλων INNOVADE, σας προσκαλούν να συμμετέχετε στο ετήσιο διεθνές συνέδριο του Μεσογειακού Δικτύου Μετανάστευσης (ΜΔΜ)
Join the Mediterranean Migration Network webinar session with Mr. Demetris Hadjisofocli, Chief Executive Officer, InnovADE Ltd (Nicosia, Cyprus), a consultancy firm created and staffed by a team of professionals with more than twenty years of experience combined in business development, innovation, operations, technology, quality assurance, and education..