The social acceptance of immigrants by the host societies has always been a key challenge for the EU. Over the past few years the European Union has observed that migration has contributed to the richness of the diversity of cultures, ethnicities and races. This rapid change of social cohesion has a great impact on both the individuals who migrate and the individuals of the host country. In this context, and in an effort to smooth the integration of Third Country Nationals, the Mediterranean Migration Network (MMN), an initiative established to promote collaboration and exchange of good practices among public and private stakeholders active in the fields of migration and integration, organized its annual international conference.

The conference took place on Thursday 14th of September 2017, at the University of Nicosia (Unesco amphitheater), under the topic "Organization, coordination and support of migratory flows and integration in the EU".

The conference focused on the exchange of ideas and good practices within the EU, along with setting the framework of current migration and integration issues and organizational challenges of public and private stakeholders. Further to the scheduled agenda of the conference, participants had the opportunity to attend 3 specialized parallel workshops, relevant to the migration and integration topics presented within the conference. The subject of the 3 workshops were: “Stereotypes and Cultures: Teaching Strategies for Exploring and Exploiting them in a Multicultural Class”, “Practices of multilingualism and multiculturalism for children through new technologies” and “National platforms and diaspora organizations: organizational development”.

The conference was attended by representatives coming from the EU countries, representatives of national public and private bodies as well as local authorities and NGOs working closely with migration and integrations issues.

Throughout the conference and workshops, good practices were presented as guides for future implementation in the EU.

All the material developed and provided during the workshops, along with the results from each session are accessible through the MMN e-library.

The Mediterranean Migration Network will continue to work towards the professional development of its members through educational material, policy papers and activities. New members to participate in the MMN and follow its activities and progresses, can register on its online platform. The MMN provides, among others, opportunities for networking to its members for further collaboration, capacity building and exchange of good practices. The Mediterranean Migration Network is managed by the international research centre CARDET and the consultancy firm INNOVADE.



The Mediterranean Migration Network will continue to work towards the professional development of its members through educational material, policy papers and activities. New members to participate in the MMN and follow its activities and progresses, can  on its online platform. The MMN provides, among others, opportunities for networking to its members for further collaboration,  and exchange of good practices. The Mediterranean Migration Network is managed by the international research centre  and the consultancy firm .