The meeting was a good opportunity for all partners to discuss and reflect on the workshops that were delivered by the METIS users groups and the implementation phase. One of the teachers from AGORA had also attended the meeting and presented his views and provided feedback on the Integrated Learning Design Environment (ILDE) and the workshop format. Also, during the meeting the results of the evaluation of the first round of workshops and enactment were presented and partners had the opportunity to reflect on them and decide on what their next steps should be, in order to better organise and deliver the second round of workshops. Furthermore, partners had a discussion with some of the METIS Advisory Board (AB) members (Dai Griffiths, Susan McKenney and Pat Herbst) via skype conference call. Each one of the AB members provided feedback on the project and the work performed so far.

Overall, the project is progressing effectively and partners are now in the process of organising the second round of workshops which will be delivered during the following months.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.