MOOCs4Inclusion has successfully completed its quest to map and catalogue available free digital learning (FDL) initiatives for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Through this process, the initiative, that is being implemented by CARDET with the support of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission wishes to afford migrants, refugees as well as practitioners and stakeholders with knowledge and skills that will support and enhance integration.
The initiative run for two years and in two phases that involved an in-depth study and analysis of available learning resources for the inclusion of migrants and refugees that was followed by their mapping and the creation of an online platform-catalogue. Thus, more than 200 resources - in the form of MOOCs, online courses, Apps, Videos etc. - have been made available in a form of a categorized archive that is both user-friendly and make each specific item or field of interest easily accessible.
Visitors can browse the catalogue, explore and benefit from the learning resources it features which include among other teacher training manuals, employability support toolkits and online course delving into issues of inclusion, integration and social and civic participation. You can access MOOCs4Inclusion and its rich knowledge hub here.